Meluha Conquered

Or visited....I should be saying.. :) What I really mean of course is that I've finished the first book in the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi - The Immortals of Meluha. Its a good book. I wont say one of the best ones I've read...because I am kinda more into lengthier books. But it is a great book nonetheless, because of the ideologies and philosophies put forth by Amish. He has very cleverly experimented with the tales of Indian Mythology and how they are relevant in today's modern world. Amish has put it beautifully in his worlds. Its like he's mirrored my thoughts on the whole "God" theory. "God is one, though different religions approach Him differently. Call Him Shiva, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus or any other form of God that you believe in. Our paths may be different. Our destination is the same." The one...the almighty...the energy that fuels the world! I already have started the next book...The Secret of the Nagas and it...