The "Stay-at-home" date

This is for the mum's and dad's who are giving their all to their kids....all the love, affection and pampering...this is a note to say....just once in a while...have all that reserved just for your partner ! Just once!

A few weeks ago, my hubby darling injured himself at cricket ..and then the princess happened to jump on the injured Toe !!! OUCH ! yes it hurt....and the trips to the doctor and getting it dressed and all that later...he had to take a few days off so he could rest walking was hurting... So one of those days off I decided to take a day off to be with him and send the kiddos off to childcare (which is his daily responsibility)...

So we ended up alone at home...just the two of us ! Well the thing is after you have don't really get to spend that crazy(or quiet) time with each other you used to before you got married or even after...but before kids....its not a negative....its fun to be with the kiddos and everyday is a new adventure....and we get to live through childhood again...but still...once in a while you need that one day..full day to just be with the one you would probably share your whole long life with....

Most of you would say that's not hard we do that often....ya maybe you do...but we don't...we aren't in we don't have the privilege of using the nani's and dadi's (nanna and granny) to babysit the kiddos while we are out to movies or clubbing....or we aren't used to the idea either!...and being in Australia...we neither hire a babysitter to see to them while we are out enjoying....we just don't like the idea of leaving them with a stranger...

We do have occasional "us" hours....when we leave the kids with the grandparents when they are over...and goto the movies...but thats like twice a year....and we go late nights after kids have we have the peace of mind that they are indeed safe! But its not the going out part that we miss....its the stay-at-home carefree time ...going to eat at a local cafe without the stress of our monster trying to throw away everything on the table...watching a movie from start to the very end...without getting up ...

Its always the little things that matter....quality...not quantity...its not the gifts and flowers and scented candles that matter anymore....its the warmth of being with each other....just sitting on the couch together....talking about nothings....

So once we realized we were alone....after don't know how long...we called it a date.... and boy was it an exciting day !! We ended up making a mental list of things we would like to do on OUR TODAY....we managed to do some....and not some others...but all in all ...we loved spending that one day together..

To know what the Checklist was and how the day this space !!  :-p


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