The Year 2020!

2020. What a year it has been. In the future when people say the year was 2020, anyone and everyone across the world will know it was a year of hardship, uncertainty and suffering. There is no corner of the world which has been untouched by this natural (well or manmade, I am not getting into conspiracy theories here) phenomenon. A disease, a virus that affects all, young or old, rich or poor, in a developed country or developing country. Like it goes with everything, some countries, cities and people are better equipped to deal with it and some not. And of course some choose not to deal with it even if they are equipped, but I suppose that is a political discussion within those countries. But irrespective of your means, your age, your pre-existing conditions, this virus still seems to have a random pattern of natural selection. Yes, by now its a known fact, that it attacks those with a compromised immune system harder. So be it people that are aged or people with pre-existing con...