When the fav jeans/ pants becomes the fav shorts

So Anya had this favorite denim she loved and sadly grew out of. Just the length though.. the waist n fitting was perfect... But she made me put it in the corner of her wardrobe.."don't charity it mumma" she said! So it was just lying there for weeks... until this weekend. I went to get a shorts for her n couldn't find one...Of course they were either washing or drying or waiting to be ironed...n instead I got my hands on this jeans taking up valuable realestate.. Lol ! So I took it to Anya and asked her if she wanted to MAKE a NEW shorts...and those 2 words there got her extremely excited! And so we got out a pair of scissors and She told me how short she wanted her shorts...we experimented really... first cut it to knee length... Then she tried... n then got me to make it a shorty shorts ! And then of course began the fashion show... showing off the new outfit ..with the accessories (the remaining legs) lol! And then looking at what fun Anya was having.. Anam ...